The Insider:
Hi Gwen!
Gwen Cooper:
The Insider:
Thanks so much for talking with The Insider again today! We are thrilled to be publishing an excerpt this week from your new book, You are PAWSOME!
Gwen Cooper:
I'm thrilled to be able to contribute again!
The Insider:
As many of our readers know, you are a superstar in the world of cats and cat owners!
Gwen Cooper:
As my grandmother used to joke, I'm world-famous in Poland!
The Insider:
(Laugh.) No, you really are. Your book Homer's Odyssey about your blind cat, Homer, was a huge New York Times bestseller! How many Facebook followers do you have now on Homer's website?
Gwen Cooper:
The Insider:
That's not kibble! How long have you been writing about cats and been active in the feline world?
Gwen Cooper:
It's been 12 years since Homer's Odyssey was published.
The Insider:
How many cat-themed books have your written?
Gwen Cooper:
Eight books, one scrapbook, and a dozen or so short stories published independently on Kindle. I just counted on my fingers to be sure!
The Insider:
Impressive! What inspired your new book? It's very witty!
Gwen Cooper:
It's a follow-up to my last book, The Book of PAWSOME: Head Bonks, Raspy Tongues, and 101 Reasons Why Cats Make Us So, So Happy. It was inspired by a big bestseller called The Book of AWESOME. I'd encourage your readers to check it out!
The Insider:
As the mom of two rescued cats, I can relate to so much in the new book! You even cover the dreaded topic of litterboxes in an amusing, Nora Ephronish way. How many cats do you currently have?
Gwen Cooper:
Two. Fanny and Clayton "the Tripod." They're litter mates. They'll be 11 in February.
The Insider:
Tell me about Clayton's nickname.
Gwen Cooper:
Clayton has a lot of nicknames, but "the Tripod" is more descriptive than familiar. He's a three-legged cat.
The Insider:
I know you've taken an important role in the area of special-needs cats. Could you please tell us about that?
Gwen Cooper:
I see my role as more supportive than anything else. There are so many people toiling away behind the scenes in rescue. I'm in a position to bring a little additional attention to their work and their needs, and so I do!
The Insider:
Would part of that be encouraging people to adopt special-needs cats?
Gwen Cooper:
The Insider:
What about people who are uncomfortable adopting a special-needs cat, like a blind cat?
Gwen Cooper:
Although I'm a staunch advocate for special-needs animals, not every person or home is a good fit. You can adopt the picture-perfect kitten from your local rescue, and you're still a rescuer. There are no bad rescues.
The Insider:
It goes without saying that you are a big advocate of rescuing cats, right?
Gwen Cooper:
Our motto around here is "Adopt, don't shop."
The Insider:
What if someone says, "but I want a purebred cat"?
Gwen Cooper:
There are actually lots of breed-specific rescues for cats and dogs.
The Insider:
How can people find them?
Gwen Cooper:
Google and Petfinder would be your best bets.
The Insider:
You also get involved with making sure that cats are rescued in times of emergency. Can you please describe how other people can help?
Gwen Cooper:
We definitely do a lot of disaster assistance in Homer's community! Usually the best way to help is to make a financial donation to a local rescue group on the ground. I usually do Google News searches if my own network comes up short.
The Insider:
I'm always struck how the love of cats is worldwide. Your books have been translated into more than two dozen languages. Do you ever hear from foreign readers?
Gwen Cooper:
I hear from readers in other countries all the time! And I've been lucky to be invited to speak at overseas events, like Catfest London, which bring me together directly with some of my European readers. I've also met readers from Brazil and Argentina here in New York.
The Insider:
And what sorts of pro-cat activities have you gotten involved in here in the US?
Gwen Cooper:
I speak at a lot of shelters and shelter fundraisers.
The Insider:
That's great! Last question, which I'm sure you've been asked before: how do you feel about dogs?
Gwen Cooper:
I love dogs! I grew up with dogs, and dogs are still some of my favorite people!
The Insider:
An animal lover to the max! Thanks so much for spending time with us!
Gwen Cooper:
Thanks for having me back to The Insider!