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No More Tears

A Poem by Dr. Barry Lubetkin

Thousands of people celebrate Biden’s win in Times Square
Thousands of people celebrate Biden’s win in Times Square

I cried last night. I know why I did not cry when the paparazzi destroyed Di After all, she was not my princess I did not cry when JFK. was slaughtered After all, I was young and naïve I did not cry when John Lennon was murdered. After all, I had too much work to do that day I did not cry when the wicked witch was vanquished After all, she deserved it But oh, did I cry last night! I cried for the 250,000 souls the monster abandoned I cried for the “different ones“ to whom he had been so indifferent I cried for the air and the flowers that he was so willing to choke I cried for his minions who have been so misinformed I cried for the leaders whose fear of the bully castrated them I cried for the scientists whose voices had been silenced!

I cried for the women who were told they did not own their own bodies I cried for a democracy that has been on life support But at noon today I didn’t cry anymore The horror movie has ended Tears cannot last when the sun finally shines and dries them The City of Brotherly Love ended the four-year eclipse My country no longer feels alien I will draw a happy face on my mask We are saved.


Dr. Barry Lubetkin and Dr.Jill Biden at the 92nd Y in NYC following her husband’s nomination in August
Dr. Barry Lubetkin and Dr.Jill Biden at the 92nd Y in NYC following her husband’s nomination in August

Barry Lubetkin, Ph.D. is the co-director and co-founder of the Institute for Behavior Therapy in New York City. He is the author of numerous academic and popular articles, as well as two popular self-help books, Bailing Out and Why Do I Need You to Love Me in Order to Like Myself. The Institute for Behavior Therapy is the oldest private cognitive behavior center in the United States.



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