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Letters to the Editor

Updated: Apr 27, 2021

April 27, 2021

Weighing in at 20 lbs., Crow is taking the pandemic lying down
Weighing in at 20 lbs., Crow is taking the pandemic lying down

Dear Editor,

My name is Crow. I live in Cowtown—a nickname for Calgary, the largest city in the western Canadian province of Alberta. Why it’s not called Cat-Town is a big mystery to me.

I am a talker--often--to anyone who will listen and pet me. I run down our long hallway three times a day, trying to dart into any open doorway. Everyone knows me and I enjoy a great deal of attention.

I came to my present home at the McKenzie Towne retirement community three years ago from a local pet store, just before the pandemic nearly shut down this country At that time, I was said to be about eight years old, making me eleven years old at the present time.

I have a bad habit of swiping at my owner with my claws--which do not get cut often enough. As this is written, I am sitting on the desk next to her computer and meowing steadily. The kitchen staff knows that my friend does not eat bacon, but when it is on the menu, someone wraps some up for me--a nice treat.

I often snuggle with my friend on the couch. At night, I sleep at the end of her bed for a while before departing to my own bed in another room. To be honest, I wouldn’t mind a walk now--so goodbye!


Crow/Calgary, Alberta


Crow’s Owner (a/k/a Naomi Cohen)
Crow’s Owner (a/k/a Naomi Cohen)

Naomi Cohen, 91, has lived at the McKenzie Towne retirement community in Calgary for nearly five years. Born and raised in Detroit, Naomi has lived in Canada since 1955, but has remained a U.S. citizen.



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