June 17, 2022

WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)—John Eastman has announced that he is “seriously considering” going to law school, in what he described as the pursuit of a lifelong dream.
The embattled Eastman said that the idea of applying to law school first occurred to him while being deposed by the January 6th committee.
“As I was taking the Fifth Amendment a hundred times, I realized there must be at least four other amendments, and possibly more than that,” he said. “I started wondering what those amendments were.”
Eastman said that attending law school would “be a ton of work” but would probably make him a better lawyer. “Everything I know about law I learned at Trump University,” he revealed.
This would've been funny had it been obvious that these were false quotes and a satirical report. Otherwise - and I'm not a fan of Eastman - it qualifies as disinformation.