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It’s Elementary! The Beck Sisters Go Back to School

Willa, Olive and Sienna Beck hosting a lemonade stand for charity in front of their Manhattan building last week
Willa, Olive and Sienna Beck hosting a lemonade stand for charity in front of their Manhattan building last week

By Olive Beck, 6 (as dictated to her mother)

I am excited to go back to school this week because I miss my friends. I can’t wait to see them again in my new classroom. I am now going to move into 1st grade, and I can’t wait. I am really excited for recess and lunch and the 100th day of school which we celebrate in our classroom. Many things will be the same as last year: our teacher will still talk to us half of the time in Spanish, we will still have fun, and I will learn lots of things. But some things will be different: I’ll have a few new classmates. Believe it or not, one of my new classmates is named Elia, which is “Olive” in Greek! I am not nervous because I know where I’m going if I get lost in the school building. I am happy for the first day of school!

By Willa Beck, 7

I’m kind of nervous to go back to school. I’m going into 3rd grade, my big sister is going into 5th, and my little sister is going into 1st. I haven’t met my new teacher yet, and new kids I don’t know well will be joining. I have met two of the new students and they seem very nice. At least I have my two BFFs [Best Friends Forever] in my class! I’m a little worried about learning different subjects. Not about math, because Mom says I have a calculator in my brain, but like social studies and science. Luckily, writing and reading are my favorite subjects, so the rest will be okay. Afternoons are always very busy, but this year, all of my after-school activities will be in-person – no more Zoom! So I’m a tiny bit excited. Bye! See ya next time!

The sisters enjoying a last summer weekend before school starts
The sisters enjoying a last summer weekend before school starts

By Sienna Beck, 9

SCHOOL STARTS THIS WEEK!!!!! I’m so excited! Wait. Are you telling me that summer’s almost over? Or rather I am telling myself that summer’s almost over?


Sorry about that!

I am happy for the school year to start, though. I had a loooooong summer, with a 16-day vacation to Greece and Istanbul, Turkey, and amazing summer camps the rest of the time (like gymnastics, math + science camp, writing camps, dance camp, et cetera). At the end, to top it off, my sisters, our babysitter, and I had not one, but TWO lemonade stands to raise money for different charities.

And on September 2, at 7:30 p.m., I got some really exciting news. My fourth-grade teacher, Melissa, will be teaching me again in fifth grade! There weren’t enough kids in our school for a fourth-grade dual language class, so Melissa moved up to fifth grade with us. Now I have the same teacher as last year!! I’m really excited because Melissa is such a great teacher and last year, when I was new, she welcomed me with open arms.

Another reason I’m excited for the new school year is because I have a new best friend who’s joining my class this year. Her name is Natalie. She and I have, let’s see…one, two, THREE friendship bracelets together, matching glow-in-the-dark chokers, and a handshake that’s really cool. On our very first sleepover, I told her the number-one thing to remember about our school. Well, two things. One) The bathrooms are disgusting. Two) Try to avoid the cafeteria food. (Just kidding, but it's not my favorite.)

To end this, I just want to say that I’m so excited for school to start!!!



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