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How I Feel about Going Back to School + Switching Schools

By Sienna Beck

1. Nervous

2. Not knowing what to expect

3. Sad

4. Kinda confused

5. Scared

6. Stressed out!

The author spent all of third grade working remotely on a computer stationed on her bed, with Twitchy her trusty stuffed pig by her side. But on September 13, it’s back to the classroom
The author spent all of third grade working remotely on a computer stationed on her bed, with Twitchy her trusty stuffed pig by her side. But on September 13, it’s back to the classroom

I have never switched schools in a major way. And now, I am, from P.S. 84 to P.S. 87, so I’m pretty nervous. I mean, nursery school to pre-K is a small change and, by the way, you are so little then, you don’t know what’s happening. You think it’s not a big deal. And when I switched from pre-K to kindergarten, I actually wasn’t nervous. I made friends with Juniper on the first day, who is still my bestie after four years. And then a couple months later, I made friends with Kennedy. That’s probably why my mom says, “You make friends wherever you are.”

I’ve spent 4 years at P.S. 84, my elementary school, and I am not very excited to leave. My Mom has arranged meet-ups (playdates sounds too kid-ish for me now that I am 8) for me to meet some of the friends who have been at P.S.87 since kindergarten or pre-K. I met a girl, Dalia, who is going into fifth grade whereas I am going into fourth. I re-met Ava, a girl from my preschool, who is going to be in my class. But then I met Eleanor, and she is super cool. She and I both want to be president, so we decided we’d take turns (is that allowed?) and I’d be president first and she’d be my VP, and then we’d switch.

So everybody I met was nice and said only nice things about the school. I’m not nervous about people, though, more nervous about what the school is like. Also, I have been learning remotely for the past year. This will be my first time going back to school during Covid-19. Because of this, I have been having major headaches and stomachaches, and am nervous about what school will be like now that I’m not remote and am switching. In fewer words, not knowing what to expect. Still, I’m kind of excited, just a little, because there don’t seem to be many boys in my class this year (they annoy me a little), and my mom says after two weeks of P.S.87, I have the option to switch back. But she thinks by two weeks I will be happy where I am.

1 comment

1 Comment

Sep 09, 2021

Great insights from a smart young lady.

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