The Insider:
Hi Travis. We’ve agreed not to use your real name for professional reasons. I’d like to ask you a few background questions before we start. Where do you live?
New York City.
The Insider:
How old are you?
The Insider:
What kind of work do you do?
I’m a consultant
The Insider:
I’m so sorry that you have Covid! When did you find out?
Last Friday morning, September 17th.
The Insider:
Did you get tested?
Yes, I had both the rapid and PCR tests the night before. The rapid test was negative, the PCR positive.

The Insider:
Is that unusual?
Apparently not. They say the rapid test is not as accurate.
The Insider:
What made you go for the Covid tests?
I had an upcoming event that required testing.
The Insider:
What kind of an event?
Dinner on a boat.
The Insider:
Were you surprised by the results?
The Insider:
Had you been feeling sick?
Not at all.
The Insider:
Nothing? Not even a sniffle?
The Insider:
What did you do at that point?
Called the NYC hotline and my doctor to confirm the results and the proper course of action going forward.
The Insider:
What were you told?
Isolate for 10 days.
The Insider:
Did they say anything about informing people you had been in contact with?

I already did that. The NYC Test & Trace program called me on Friday morning after I received my positive result and asked for all of my close contacts’ info so they could follow up with them.
The Insider:
Are you expected to stay in touch with the Test & Trace program?
They text me daily. Until my isolation period is over.
The Insider:
In addition to them contacting the people you interacted with, do they ask you to contact those people too?
The Insider:
How much contact are they talking about? A quick face-to-face conversation, for example?
Close contact is defined as anyone you’ve come in contact with, within 6 feet for 10 minutes or longer, over a 24-hour period, for the 3 days prior to the positive test and throughout 10-day isolation period.
The Insider:
I would imagine that in a busy city like New York that would be difficult to remember.
Not for me, I didn’t interact with anyone outside of work who met that criteria, except for one friend.
The Insider:
Had you met with a lot of clients?
About 15. Thankfully, it was a slow week.
The Insider:
I would imagine that it’s very unpleasant to have to give a client that kind of news.
Yes, but everyone has been very understanding, supportive.
The Insider:
That’s good! Do they have to get tested now or quarantine themselves?
The Test & Trace program doesn’t tell anyone to get tested. I’m not sure what they say about quarantining.
The Insider:
Did your clients call you directly after they were contacted by the program?

The Insider:
Had you been vaccinated?
The Insider:
How long ago? With which vaccine?
Moderna. I received my second shot on February 4th.
The Insider:
Do you have any idea how your got exposed to Covid?
Not really, The only thing I can think of is that I ride the subway daily, and there are still people--seems like usually a few per car--that are not wearing masks or wearing them improperly.
The Insider:
Please describe the other pandemic lifestyle choices you’ve made.
I stopped eating indoors at restaurants in the past few weeks. I’ve worn a mask at work the past few weeks as well, anywhere indoors actually. I haven’t returned to the gym throughout the pandemic
The Insider:
I think that it’s common in NYC right now for people to be more worried about the Delta variant. For a while, it seemed like Mardi Gras on the streets--everyone was outside living it up.
The Insider:
You’ve been very careful--does it seem kind of unfair that you got Covid anyway?
I think it’s just the world we live in now.
The Insider:
True! Do you have any symptoms at all now?
Nothing at all
The Insider:
That’s amazing! Are you allowed to go for a walk or leave your apartment?
According to the doctors, yes, if I stay far away from everyone, and wear a mask. According to the Test & Trace program, no, except for medical assistance or emergencies.
The Insider:
So there’s a split of opinions about what quarantining means.
I guess so
The Insider:
This may be silly, but can they tell if what you have iis Delta?
They didn’t say.
The Insider:
Last question: any advice to readers based on your experience?
I encourage people to get tested regularly, especially if they’re going to be around people who are elderly or immunocompromised, or children too young to be vaccinated. You may not know you have Covid and spread it inadvertently.
The Insider:
Thanks so much and best wishes. I hope you continue to have no symptoms.
Thanks! Take good care too.
The Insider:
Hi Travis! How are you feeling?
I’m still feeling okay. I had a headache and a minor sore throat last night and today, but both are pretty much gone now.
The Insider:
Do you think it has anything to do with the fact that you were vaccinated?
The vaccine is definitely working.
The Insider:
In what way?
I barely have any symptoms.
The Insider:
How many more days of quarantine do you have left?
Four more days, I’ll be finished quarantining after Saturday.

The Insider:
What’s it been like to be quarantined?
It’s not too bad, I’m just obviously missing work and money, and not able to go about life normally. I have to have groceries delivered instead of just going out to get whatever I want whenever I want.
The Insider:
Have you gone outside?
Yes, just for walks and to sit in the park, far away from anyone.
The Insider:
It’s really remarkable that you haven’t gotten any sicker. So fortunate!
Modern science., if you believe in that sort of thing. Conspiracy theories are pretty compelling these days!
The Insider:
Seriously, if you weren’t vaccinated, you might have ended up on a ventilator.
Who knows? So much we don’t know about this virus—how and why it affects people so differently.
The Insider:
It’s certainly in your favor that you’re otherwise healthy.
Yes, but I do hear instances where people are healthier than me and don’t do well.

The Insider:
Have the Test & Trace people been calling every day?
They text me every day until the quarantine isolation period over.
The Insider:
Is it very pro forma, or do they ask real questions?
Same set of questions each day: Any symptoms? Did you go outside?
The Insider:
Is your family worried about you?
My mom checks on me with FaceTime.
The Insider:
Is it true that even if you’ve recovered, you’ll still test positive for a while?
So they say. I’ve heard possibly from one to two weeks after to up to three months.
The Insider:
You’re a good sport, Travis. Thanks!
You’re very welcome.
Have you heard if anyone else has since tested positive that you were in contact with before you contracted the virus?
If so, were they also vaccinated or not?