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Is Gun Violence a Threat Now to School Buses?

Updated: Sep 8, 2022

By John Rolfe / Red Hook, N.Y.

Schools are opening and the pandemic is hopefully in the rear view mirror. The district where I work as a school bus driver in New York’s Hudson Valley is back on a normal schedule and no longer requires masks or quarantine for students or staff.

However, the road ahead is paved with a cold reality. That was made clear at our annual orientation meeting on Sept. 1 when, for the first time, drivers and monitors were shown a video about how to handle an active shooter. More of that training is to come.

Gun violence, especially mass shootings at schools, is now a fact of American life and likely will be for the foreseeable future. Guns have been involved in the deaths of more than 30,000 people this year, including the 21 students and staff members at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Tex.

My school district has not been immune to violence. In September 2021, a 16-year old student was stabbed to death during a brawl after a high school football game. Online threats and rumors of attacks have been taken seriously during the past year or so, with lockdown drills, active shooter protocols and enhanced security now the norm here as they are just about everywhere in the U.S..

Buses are often forgotten or overlooked (even by us drivers) because a certain “it only happens at schools” mentality prevails, but our vehicles are essentially rolling classrooms with lots of targets seated close together. The disturbing bottom line is that there is precious little we can do to fully protect our passengers.

In the video we were shown, a gunman with an assault rifle shoots up a bus. The driver tells the kids to huddle on the floor between the seats. That idea reminded me of the "hide under your desk” order my classmates and I were given in grade school during the 1960s when the threat of a Russian nuclear attack loomed large. Bullets sprayed from an AR-15 will easily rip through the sides of a school bus and kill anyone they hit.

In another video, a kid on the bus pulls a pistol and starts shooting. All the driver can do is try to make the shooter off-balance and vulnerable by slamming on the brakes or swerving the bus. It’s clear there are going to be casualties.

Arming teachers is a current proposal favored by gun-rights advocates. But the huge hole I see in that idea is that the assailant will always have the benefit of surprise and the first shot or shots, especially with a weapon modified to perform like a machine gun. Kill the teacher first and those who are left will be sitting ducks. And even if the teacher can pull their weapon and return fire, a raging gun battle in a crowded classroom, especially if the teacher is not fully comfortable with firearms, is sure to end in tragedy.

The same is true on a school bus.

In the past year or so, school buses in Atlanta and Cleveland and Little Rock, Ark. have been shot at or hit by random gunfire in nonlethal incidents. A student was killed at a bus stop in Greenwood, Ind. All it will take is one nightmare scenario with a death and injury toll the size of Uvalde’s to put us school bus drivers back on America’s radar, this time in the gun violence debate.

When Covid-19 hit in 2020 and began disrupting schools, the nation woke up to how important, and scarce (see my January 10, 2022 story in The Insider) we are. As our ranks fell sick, and many drivers quit due to the health risk, low pay, and high levels of responsibility, liability and stress, districts across the land suffered delays in service and route cancellations, leaving parents upset and scrambling. Massachusetts resorted to using National Guard members to take up the slack.

Where I work, some of our driver shortage has been solved by increasing our hourly pay from $22 to $30 an hour. But we’re still shorthanded. Routes have been consolidated and parents are angry that their kids now have to walk to group bus stops rather than be picked up at their homes. But the old way we did it took more time and driving. Fuel costs being what they are, and still in need of drivers, we had to become more efficient.

Teachers have been leaving their profession for reasons that include the threat of being shot, low pay, and interference from parents and lawmakers who want to limit (often with unclear guidelines and punishment) what they can teach about subjects such as race and gender. I’m curious about what course the bus driver shortage will take in a country where violence, whether random or political, seems to grow endlessly.

As it is, school shootings now make up 20 percent of all firearms incidents. School bus drivers and the monitors who ride along and watch the kids haven’t been in the line of fire yet, but give it time.


John Rolfe is a former senior editor for Sports Illustrated for Kids, a longtime columnist for the Poughkeepsie Journal/USA Today Network, and author of The Goose in the Bathroom: Stirring Tales of Family Life. His school bus drivin’ blog “Hellions, Mayhem and Brake Failure” is parked on his website ( with the meter running.



Sep 11, 2022

Funny how giving teachers the right to carry a gun if they wish is bad, yet we call a good person with a gun to stop the bad person with a gun.

You anti gun slant is hanging out here. Other wise is touches on some very good points

Sep 14, 2022
Replying to

I am all for people owning a gun provided they are properly licensed and trained. To drive a school bus, I have to pass several written tests, two physical exams, undergo months of training and pass a road test. I also need to be background checked and fingerprinted. I have to take a 3o-hour safety course with two annual refreshers. I am randomly drug tested as well. And if my personal driving record is bad enough, I can lose my CDL. So....given that buses aren't designed to kill, I think it is only reasonable that people who want to own a machine expressly designed to kill should meet the same rigorous standards I do in the name of public safety.…


Sep 11, 2022

At our district we have had many active shooter training for in school but none of our drivers we need this!

Sep 14, 2022
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As I said in my story, we are often an afterthought for school districts and parents and sometimes even ourselves. -- JR, author


Sep 11, 2022

I drive for a small suburban district up river from the author. We also had training on school shootings, through not on my bus. Ours focused on the FBI data about school shootings. How quickly they happen. The average incident is over in <2 minutes. And, a shooter has never penatrated a closed and locked school door.

my bus is like being in the room, behind the closed and locked door with the shooter. There is not much that could be done. But I can jostle my room and I have a radio that works most of the time, at my hand. A teacher doesn’t have those.

The key is identifying the root cause, issues and behaviors of peopl…

Sep 14, 2022
Replying to

I agree with you completely. And, yes, rocking our bus is about all we can do if we are driving when the unthinkable happens. Our violence problem has deep, complex roots. We need to learn what it is about our society that makes so many people so angry, mentally ill and/or prone to violence.


Sep 10, 2022

As a school bus driver for 13 years in SE Iowa we are reminded of this scenario every year at our annual stop class and at our company safety meetings. I don't know of anything that will be 100% effective at stopping the mass killings, but we should try and keep trying. All the gun laws and still there are those who get a hold of one and kill. We can keep making laws and it's not going to change it. Arming teachers and staff that feel comfortable and have training I believe would help, it's not going to be 100% but it's a start. Hiring ex police officers, military would also help. On school buses it's a unique situation.…

Sep 14, 2022
Replying to

You raise some good points and offer excellent ideas, particularly about monitors on buses. Our district tells us to keep our ears and eyes open for signs of threats, but like you said, our main job is to drive. There's no one solution to this awful problem. Measures like armed personnel and tighter security are only part of a larger puzzle that starts in homes, schools, and communities. Yes, a person intent on killing will kill, but I have to believe we can reduce the sheer volume of incidents that occur everywhere, from schools and churches to nightclubs and concerts and movie theaters. -- JR, author

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